test test
Until Successful
The Until Successful scope processes the components within it until they succeed or exhaust the maximum number of retries.
Until Successful runs synchronously.
Until Successful component
Configure of Until-Successful-
Max Retries:- Specifies the maximum number of retries that are attempted
Milliseconds Between Retries:- Specifies the minimum interval between two attempts to process, in milliseconds, Default value is 1 Min
Wrap the HTTP Requester inside Until Successful
We have configured the Retries Interval as 20 ms (You can configure as per the requirement) and max Retries is 3.
In case of success scenario ,
there will not be any error received from Rest API(http status will be 200) and success response will be retrieved.
In case of failure scenario
Until Successful retries the failed task until all configured retries are exhausted and if final retry does not succeed . until successful produces an error.
if a retry succeeds .the scope proceeds to next component
Round Robin
This router iterates through all the routes in the router component in a specific order but it only routes to one of the routes each time it is executed. For example, it keeps track of the last route it selected for execution and will not execute the same route again consecutively.
Basically, this router works in a circular manner and whichever route executes first will not be executed in the next execution till all the other routes are executed at least once.
Round Robin component
Use Case :-
Below is the simple demo where the “first-logger” route will execute first and in the immediate next iteration,”second-logger” will be executed and this sequence will continue.
First-logger is executing–
Second-logger is executing:-
“Scatter-Gather sends the requested data to multiple routes concurrently“.
It waits for all the routes to complete the execution and then aggregates the response from each route and forms a Single output message and output will be “application/java” format.
Use Case :-
You can see in console of studio,
In above picture, uber01 and uber02 both are threads. and “Scather-gatherapiFlow/processors/0/route/0/processors/0” is first route path and “Scather-gatherapiFlow/processors/0/route/1/processors/0” is second route path.
“The maximum time taken by Scatter-Gather to complete the execution is the max time taken by any route. For instance, if route-1 takes 5 secs and route-2 takes 10 secs then Scatter-Gather will take 10 secs to complete the execution.”
“one of the routes fails, then the entire Scatter-Gather process fails.”
1-first route will be trigger
2-Second flow will be trigger
In debug mode, We can see working of processor.
Choice Router
Choice Router works on the evaluation of the expression i.e., True or False. The Route for which the expression evaluates to be True, that route is executed.
It executes routes sequentially i.e. if for both route-1 and route-2 condition expression evaluates to be true, it will execute only route-1 because of its sequential nature and will not execute route-2.
The expression cannot be kept as blank and there is a default block that executes if none of the expressions evaluates to True.
Use Case 1:-
in above picture,
we set the variable “Id” and value is “payload.empId”.
We are sending empId in body section.
Use Case 2:-
If “empId” is null , then this comes in the input then the Default route will be triggered.
We are sending Null empId in body.
Flow Control in Mule 4
We will see four different Flow control components provided in Mule. We will also cover various use cases.
In Mule, Flow Controls , you Route your input Mule Event into one or more separate flows based on the Flow control components you use.
Type of Flow Control component:-
4-First Successful
The detailed explanation on each topics is in next section.
Define Responses in RAML
We will get responses from api or external service . there are two type of responses , we will get .
positive response ->success case
Negative response ->failure case
we have to mention all responses in Raml file.
Create a specific folder for “Response”
Create files like 200.json,401.json,400.json,500.json
We will refer these file into rootfile(main file) and will use “!include” keyword.
validate your responses
We will explain the usage of library fragment in raml. Library is one of the Raml Fragments. Main advantage of the raml Library is that is can defined multiple types and that can be referred from RAML file.
Log in to Anypoint platform
Click on design center and click on Create Fragments
Provide the name for new fragment
Update the RAML with below information
Define the Individual DataType which is included as part of library
Once you create the Library as a fragment you can publish it on exchange to make it reusable across organization, else you can also use this inside individual raml specification in that case you can first create a RAML specification and add the file as a library .
we use “uses: “ to include the library and also refer this from exchange, in case of library it is not required to use “!include” to include the library.
In this tutorial, “we will Generate Flows From RAML Using Manage Dependency, This is one of the easiest way to generate the flow from RAML, in that case raml will be referred from Anypoint Exchange directly and a dependency will be added in POM.xml”
Create a sample RAML in design center
Created the endpoint “/search/{id}” with get method and here id is uriparams and queryParameters is defined in Raml .
Publish the API on Exchange, see below sampleAPI is published on exchange with version 1.0.0